Mario Castillo-Sang
Mario Castillo-Sang
Saint Elizabeth Healthcare
20 Medical Village Drive, Edgewood, Kentucky, 41017, USA
I am a mitral aficionado interested in the interaction of ventricular contractility and mitral leaflet function.
Minimally invasive cardiac surgery is my preferred approach to all mitral, tricuspid and aortic valve disease.
I strive to continue to expand my surgical tools by observing talented mitral surgeons operate.
Minimally invasive cardiac surgery is my preferred approach to all mitral, tricuspid and aortic valve disease.
I strive to continue to expand my surgical tools by observing talented mitral surgeons operate.
Ventricular contractility in Barlow's disease and in bileaflet prolapse.
Imaging of the mitral valve.
Imaging of the mitral valve.
Other Interests
Photography, drumming.
Practice Area
- Adult Cardiac Surgery